our work

Empire Bespoke Foods

Empire Bespoke Foods is a leading importer and distributor of speciality foods for the retail, food service and wholesale sectors.

It is the partner of choice for many prestigious food brands with a wide range of products from French lemonades, barbeque essentials and confectionery from the US, authentic Thai food as well as the UK’s Number 1 pickled gherkin brand, Mrs Elswood.
We support the business and its brands with a trade press office which targets news and features across a range of key FMCG, retail and speciality food trade titles. We also launched Mrs Elswood’s new branding in 2022 to trade and consumer press.

We have launched its new water brand Icelandic Glacial Water, announced a new range of Crunchy Vegetables for Mrs Elswood and provided thought leadership for BBQ, world food and drinks features.

We lead all communications with the Grocer and so far achieved lots of stories in this title along with many more across the sector press.

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